Sustainability & ESG Approach
Making sustainable development a reality and foundation of all our business
Gamuda Australia’s Seeds for Growth
Gamuda’s approach has always been to operate responsibly in terms of environmental, social, and corporate governance factors. In Australia, our sustainability framework is called ‘Seeds for Growth’. It is consistent with Gamuda Berhad’s overall approach, as outlined in the Gamuda Green Plan.
Seeds for Growth is anchored around four key areas:
We will plan, design, and construct our projects for the most sustainable outcomes. This includes developing innovative engineering solutions which optimise design and construction to reduce our environmental footprint over the full project lifecycle. Our objective is to reduce Scope 1 (direct emissions) and Scope 2 (indirect emissions from electricity consumption) from all our construction and operations by 30% by 2025, and 45% by 2030.
for Change
We will engage with our supply chain and our communities for social, environmental, and economic benefit. This includes working with our subcontractors to empower them to contribute to our carbon reduction goals; creating shared value through opportunities for local employment and Aboriginal participation; and working together to leave a lasting positive legacy for the communities in which we operate.
We will develop a corporate and workplace culture that aligns with our sustainability goals. As prioritising the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and communities is already business-as-usual for us, we will focus on proactive mental health awareness and ensuring our workplaces are culturally safe for everyone. Our hiring and skills development processes will support a diverse and inclusive workplace.
We will ‘walk the talk’ around our intention to operate in a sustainable way and conduct our business with integrity, transparency, and respect. With our parent company listed on the Bursa Malaysia, Gamuda Australia’s commitment to good governance and reporting is extremely high. In fact, we are one of only a small number of construction contractors in Australia with public decarbonisation targets.
Sustainability Report 2023
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
Our Group Sustainability Framework, “Build Right. For Life,” is strategically aligned with the UN SDGs, specifically focusing on Goals 9, 11, and 13.
High Priority